I may or may not buy a new car this evening. Meaning, I'm going to, but I'm scared to death about it, mostly because buying a new car represents just about everything in the world that makes me nervous, uncomfortable, and scared, minus natural disasters. Here's just a glimpse of how dazed and confused my mind is right now...
1. Change - I hate change. I wish everything could stay the same forever. Unfortunately, it can't. That is one of the saddest truths about life.
2. Commitment - If I buy a car, I'm committing myself to it for at least the next ten years... probs more. What if I hate it? What if it's a lemon? What if I would have liked a different one better? My fear of commitment, combined with my fear of change, is probably why I will never get married.
3. Decisions - Anyone who knows me knows that I am the most indecisive person on the planet. I hate making decisions and am convinced that the choice I make is usually the wrong one.
4. Growing up - Most of you also know that thinking about the future (and being, gasp!, an ADULT) freaks me out more than most things, and this car basically represents my entrance into the adult world. I will have (and pay) my own insurance, I'll have monthly car payments, I'll have something super official in my name (read the car title), basically I'll be old.
4. Money - To me, there is almost nothing worse than spending a large amount of money all in one place on one thing. I'm never going to be able to buy a house... hello cardboard box.
On the bright side, the probable new car is very pretty! It's a 2010 Toyota Corolla, color Magnetic Grey Metallic.