Now I must admit that while I'm sort of apathetic when it comes to politics and I'm not completely satisfied with the direction our government has been moving in lately, it really scares me when I read things like this...
Donald Trump is seriously thinking about running for president.
Really? That's almost as scary as Sarah Palin's supposed presidential aspirations.
After yesterday's elections created an overwhelmingly Republican House and only slightly Democratic Senate, the republicans and tea-partiers are touting their victory, claiming that the AMERICAN PEOPLE have taken back the country. Last time I checked, democrats were American. I know I am.
But hey, over the last two years democrats have been dragged through the mud, stopped at almost every turn, and every decision they've actually been able to make has been criticized. So, who would want to be one anymore anyway? If you're a democrat, odds are, you won't be able to get anything done. After all, Sarah Palin thinks we're un-American, un-constitutional, and just plain unfit to be alive.
So, as much as I hate how red our country just got, all I can hope is that something, anything, gets done in the next two years. Anything, that is, except more stalemates, bickering, name calling, and all the other petty things that come part and parcel with politics. I'm willing to accept almost anything at this point as long as we take care of some of our problems.
But, if we elect the Trumpster or Sarah Palin as president in two years... I may completely lose my faith in people.