Monday, January 31, 2011

Who Knew 2011 Was Such A Magical Year?

My mom sent me an email the other day with some pretty interesting tidbits in it.

Did you know that in 2011 we will experience a...

That's a lot of one's.

Now here's the really weird part...
Take the last two digits of the year you were born and add the age you will be this year.
It will equal 111.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just A Little Nosey Humor For You

I've been suffering from quite the head/sinus/chest cold for the past few days. It's one of those annoying colds that include a nose that alternately runs like a faucet and feels like a brick wall, a monster headache, a never ending cough that tries to be productive, and an scratchy throat that makes my voice sound like an adolescent boy.

Well, in honor of the two and a half boxes of tissues I've finished since Friday evening, I'm sharing a little nose-centered humor with you this evening.

The first piece of amazingness was today's daily Mutts comic. It is oh so appropriate to the way that I feel right now... especially since I haven't been able to treadmill since Friday, on account of the fact that I still can't quite breath properly.

Next (and sadly last) we have my absolute favorite comic ever. Mostly.
It makes me laugh every time.
(ps if you click on the picture it gets bigger... and easier to read)

Here's hoping for a healthier tomorrow. And for school to be closed. I could use a miracle.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Third Time's a Charm... Hopefully

I tried last February and failed by April. I tried again over the summer and it lasted about two weeks. And I may have mentioned that I need to do it last week. Well folks, I'm trying again. I'm donning my party pants, reviving my virtue, and restarting my daily treadmill regimen.

That's right. I'm finally trying to get fit again (well more like for the first time... I'm pretty sure I've never been truly fit). So far I've been running/walking 2.5 miles a day for almost a week, attempting to eat better, and hopefully I'll get my act together soon and find myself a killer ab routine to do.

Look out for the healthier, skinnier me coming soon... or at least before I'm 80.

I hope.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Some People See the Glass as Half Empty....

New year, new name

haha Not really. But when my brother sent me these pictures I thought they were too good not to share!

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Skinny Situation!

No. Unfortunately I am not referring to my waistline, which despite my 2011 resolutions has not shed any inches... but that's probably because I have yet to set a foot on a treadmill or subject my tone-lacking abs to the riggers of the workout video someone promised to send me (along with the note, "Yea tone is good. You would benefit from just some cardio training. And abs. That would be nice for you.") Thanks.

But I digress. I'm referring to the fact that I've finally fallen victim to the never ending tides of fashion. Last week I reached yet another milestone in my life by purchasing my very own pair of skinny jeans to go with my very own pair of boots!

I've been resisting the skinny jeans trend since it started a few years ago. I've never quite gotten over those horrible high-waist, awkwardly tight, yet baggy jeans that we all wore in elementary school. As a middle-schooler I was beyond jazzed when super baggy jeans came into fashion. Since then I've graduated to the much tighter, yet flatteringly flared look of bootcut jeans. But, I found these awesome boots at Sears and I just had to buy them. It was only after I'd bought them, however, that I realized that most of my jeans wouldn't fit inside them... having less than little calfs (ie. large ones) and even small amounts of extra material stuffed inside a tube of leather makes for a very hard time zippering the back.

Fortunately, on my journey down the East coast, I passed the Woodbury Common Premium Outlets and my saving grace J. Crew. God I love that store. I loved those outlets too. Twenty-minutes later and I was the proud owner of a magnificent pair of "Matchstick" jeans in (drum-roll please) a 29 regular! For those of you who are not up on the European sizing, that's a 6! Exciting because I've been buying size 8 recently. Maybe I've been sleep treadmilling without realizing...

Anywho, I feel very grown-up in my skinny jeans and boots! I should have joined in this trend ages ago... and to think I resisted it so strongly.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Resolute.

Along with many other things like getting back in shape (HA!), removing the spare tire that is currently stuck around my waste-line, and curbing my spending habits, one of my resolutions this year is to worry less.

A lot less.

It's something I seem to do a lot recently and frankly it's starting to stress me out! So, here's to a stress and worry-free existence... starting....
