Exactly a month ago we had a snowstorm here in the valley. It was the last appreciable amount of snow, we've had. I wish Chicago would give us some of it's snow.
Anyhow, thanks to the about 7ish inches of snow fall, my mom had to get out the tractor again to plow out our driveway so that we could all go to work, and that required me to move my car so that the tractor could get out of the garage. (The tractor gets a garage... my car does not. See how our priorities stand in this family? Geez.)
But, since the tractor was dead, I had to turn my car around and move it back to its spot in front of the garage so that we could jump the tractor.
In seven inches of snow.
My car's no Buick, but it did very well in the snow... except when it didn't.
Like the time I almost did a donut into a large tree. Great times.
Check it out.
My car attempting to side swipe a tree
My fun skid marks... I was trying to back up, not sideways.
Getting closer!
Success! Barely.