Monday, September 26, 2011

Love This

Best. Commercial. Ever.

Seriously. How cute is this kid?!?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Home Sweet Apartment

I know this is a highly anticipated, long awaited moment for many of you (ie my family). It's still a work in progress, but my mom kept yelling at me, so here it is...

Welcome to My Apartment!

 It literally took me about three hours to screw in (by hand) the three screws used to hang the mirror and two black picture frames... I think my walls are plaster pretending to be concrete. I opted for command strips to hang the other frames.

My "accent wall." It's actually darker and a greener teal in real life. The previous tenants picked out this color, I think I would have picked out something different, but it's growing on me.

Eventually I think I'm going to hang a few more pictures on this wall, but I think I'm going to get a drill first...

My utility shelf for extra cooking things... I'll also use it when I use my rice cooker and George Forman, since there isn't any counter space for them in the kitchen. 

Awesome pots and pan wall. My dad made the frame... Isn't it adorable?

If you click "read more" you can see more pictures.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How To Fix A Blown-out Window

*this is a three- (maybe four) week old post that I'm finally publishing now that I have internet*

Well mom and I survived hurricane Irene... but one of my windows did not. You see, in my apartment I have those old school swing out windows, but we also have air conditioning units. So, to make that possible, the actual window is permanently open, the air conditioning unit is attached to the bottom half, and a Plexiglas sheet is glued onto the rest of the window frame so that there isn't a hole.

Well it apparently wasn't glued in very well because the hurricane winds of Irene literally blew it out of the window at 4 a.m.

We had no tape or glue to put it back.

Long story short, we finally (after holding the Plexiglas in place for just short of an hour) thought of putting a box on top of the air conditioner to push against the window and then bracing the box in place with my very large bookcase. (my genius idea by the way).

Pure genius.

Alternate view

 we went out and got tape as soon as it was human hours again

tree debris on my sidewalk

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Puff. Pastry. Pizza.

I bought a puff pastry pizza from Trader Joe's and had it for dinner tonight.

Best. Thing. Ever. Seriously.

Even more amazing? It was only $1.99 and will feed me twice. Love that place.

My Couch!

I found this post today (I saved it as a draft and then never published it) and thought it was too good a picture to waste. Love you dad!

Dad's been repairing our old couch (I think it's almost older than he is) for my new apartment! He's turning out to be quite adept at re-tying springs. 

Super excited for it to stop being so lumpy.

UPDATE: It's not lumpy and is super comfortable. My dad is a genius.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Better Late Than Never!

♥ Megan and Nate's Wedding ♥
Love my family.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Labor Day Fun

I know, I know these aren't the pictures you're all hoping I'm posting (namely my apartment) but I don't want to post them until it's finished. And pretty.

Anyway, Emily and Kelsey came to visit me over Labor Day weekend. Yay for guests! 
 you can see the cracks from the earthquake... although probs not in this picture
 we each took this picture (everyone else was) but apparently we weren't supposed to walk that far out into the water... whoops.
good thing the guard came to yell at people on our side of the water after we were finished. 
 group picture + 3 second timer = fail.
yet, fun and spontaneous 

this was very cool.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Susan McCorkindale!

Yes. That is a picture of me and SUSAN MCCORKINDALE!

I decided to take a quick jaunt over to the Barnes and Noble in Georgetown tonight for Susan McCorkindale's book signing. I absolutely loved her books Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl and 500 Acres and No Place To Hide, so I was super excited when I found out that she was going to be in Georgetown. This was also my first official book signing (unless you count the time I got Roger Lea MacBride to sign my copy of Little House On The Rocky Ridge at a farmers market when I was 7) so that was fun too.

She's quite hilarious (in person and in print) and when she read the first chapter of 500 Acres we (the people that braved the rain to come to the signing) just about died laughing. Seriously.

I got my copy of Confessions signed and a copy of 500 Acres signed for Jenny, since she couldn't be there in person. Oh, and I also got a Counterfeit Farmgirl t-shirt.

Then, on my way back to my car, I found Georgetown Cupcakes completely by accident. Bonus!

This pretty much made my week.