Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This Makes Me Want to Shop Exclusively at Nordstrom for the Month of November.

Someone I'm friends with on Facebook "shared" this picture and I happened to see it pop up on my feed thinger.

I liked this so much that when I went to the mall today to get an Apple Genius to take a look at my computer (it's been a little slow lately) I made a special side trip to Nordstrom. I didn't buy anything (my wallet is a little empty these days) but when I walked in and didn't see CHRISTMAS TREES (they're out in abundance in the mall hallways and food courts) or hear CHRISTMAS MUSIC (I heard it playing at Walmart the other day and wanted to barf) it certainly made me want to break out my wallet and go on a spending spree. Granted, I did notice a small christmas ornament/decoration display on the fourth floor, but the untimely display was relegated to that specific area and there was no early holiday cheer to be seen anywhere else in the store.

I love this. Good job Nordstrom.

Side note: More observant people will notice that the date for Friday is wrong, that's because this picture was taken several years ago, BUT Nordstrom is still sticking to the no Christmas before Thanksgiving policy.

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