Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Trying Winston!

It's been a very very very long time since I pledged to beef up my stamina and harden my willpower when it comes to making myself be active. Read: over a year a long time.

Epic. Fail.

Well, I'm trying again and this time I may finally have a chance to be successful.

I joined a gym.

A gym that includes monthly weighing and measurements... I had my first weigh-in today and boy was that motivation to keep coming!

I also have a sticker system and I give myself a star every time I work out. I already have four! Yay for me. I may even try to work in a reward system... maybe I'll buy myself something nice if I go x number of times in a month??

Let's see how often I go with just stickers for motivation.

For now, I'm just trying to follow Winston's advice and Never, Never, Never Give Up (at getting fit).


Anonymous said...

You go girl!

Unknown said...

I always felt that a quart of Ice Cream was a good reward for working out!

Melissa said...

haha you would.... I'm sticking with stickers for now :)