Monday, December 28, 2009


Can we just take a moment to look at this picture.
Despite what some people think, this is not a wig.
It is my brother's actual hair, in all its 70's style glory.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Made It!

Well considering the events of the past 3 days and the rest of my history with airplanes and airports, I probably should never get on a plane again. Seriously. Whether I am flying halfway across the world or just up and down the east coast, I will always, inevitably, have some kind of delay or cancellation, caused by a mechanical problem, weather, or just my own stupidity.

It all started when I flew to New Zealand the summer before my junior year for a study abroad program. It was the first time that I had ever flown by myself and I was freaking out a little bit. I started freaking out a little bit more when massive thunderstorms over Dallas forced my plane to make a pit stop in Oklahoma City for 45 minutes... Needless to say that by the time I finally made it to Dallas both my sanity and my connection to LA were hopelessly gone. About eight hours later I finally made it to LA, three hours after my 9pm flight to NZ had left... One free hotel stay later, I finally made it to NZ on the next plane out of LA (another 9pm-er). And did I mention that in the process I lost a piece of luggage and did not get it back until I flew to Australia 2.5 weeks later... and the process of getting it back almost made me miss that plane too? Good times.

After an experience like that you'd think that I would try to steer clear of those huge metal birds that caused me so much emotional wear and tear, but since then I've sort of caught the flying bug. Seriously, I love it!

Of course, almost every time I fly something weird happens that makes me think that maybe my plane karma isn't up to par...

One spring break, my friend and I flew to London and Paris. The flight there was ok, but then when we were flying home, I was informed that the final leg of my flight had been cancelled, but I was rebooked. Then weather in JFK delayed my flight by about two hours. Then weather in Richmond caused them to load up on extra fuel on my teeny 48ish seater plane, in case we'd have to taxi in the air a little before landing. So, they gave us an ultimatum, five people had to get off the plane, or we wouldn't (couldn't) take off. Great. I did finally make it home although, when I did I thought that I had lost a piece of luggage... but it turned out that some idiot had just left it out on the tarmac and forgotten to put it on the luggage return belt thinger.

Over the summer I flew to Denver for a publishing program. It was right after Delta and Northwest merged. Without realizing it, I booked my Delta flight through Northwest's website, so when I went to print my boarding pass at the airport through the Delta kiosk, it wouldn't work. Through a lot of unfortunate circumstances and miscommunication, I missed my flight, even though I was at the airport over an hour and a half before it took off. That one really sucked.

My most recent airplane dilemmas occurred on Sunday and then again on Tuesday. I was supposed to fly to Vermont from FL on Sunday morning at 11. When I checked into my flight on Saturday everything was normal. When I checked the status of my flights before I left for the airport, everything was normal. When I checked in at the airport, I was informed that my flights had been delayed... until Tuesday. The result... two extra days in Florida! Woo-hoo! It was tough, but I managed. My only qualm was that on my rebooked flights, I only had a 45 minute layover... in my mind, that's just a recipe for disaster. And, surprise surprise, it almost was! Thanks to my plane's mechanical distress my flight out of FL was delayed by about 35 min, cutting my layover time to about 20 min. Since I had to switch terminals, lots of running was involved, but I made it!

Thanks to all the aforementioned experiences and many many more, I am now completely paranoid of missing my flight/any connections, so I always try to get to the airport between 2 and 2 and a half hours before my flight is supposed to leave (unless its god awful early one, then I just get there asap!) and I try to schedule my flights with super long layovers... anything less than 90 minutes starts to make my tummy rumble and my adrenaline pump, because (again) I am paranoid that I will miss my connection because of some delay or issue. Consequently I have learned to really love airports. I love exploring them and checking out the shops and then when I'm finished with all that I will curl up on one of those 'super comfy' airport chairs and read a book, while sipping tea or eating a croissant.

I love it! Unless, of course, my plane has been delayed... which it usually has.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

While I was warm in Florida, it snowed 23 inches at my house. That 1. is unheard of and 2. makes me a little sad.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


In less than 12 hours I will be on my way to the land of sun, warmth, and happiness. My dad is angry because tomorrow the temperature at home isn't supposed to make it out of the 30's. :) Yay for college roomies with timeshares in Florida!! Jenny, Mik, and Mickey... here I come!

Maybe all the heat and humidity will make my cough go away...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's Australia's Favorite Cookie!

Today while I was walking through Target when I saw the most amazing site in the world.

Tim Tams!
I was first introduced to this delicious cookie when I was studying abroad in Australia a couple summers ago. They are made of two chocolate biscuits with a layer of chocolate creme in between and then covered with chocolate. Think glorified oreos. Mmmmm!

Anyway, thanks to the people at Pepperidge Farms, we Americans can finally enjoy this delicious treat without taking a trip down under.

The best way to eat a Tim Tam is by doing the "Tim Tam Slam." Basically, you use the cookie as a straw to soak up a hot beverage of your choice. Then you eat the soggy, chocolaty mess. It's very easy and tastes amazing, even though it may sound a little gross...

The Tim Tam Slam
1. Heat up a cup of water, tea, coffee, or milk... it needs to be pretty hot, but not necessarily boiling
2. Bite off two opposite corners of the cookie
3. Hold one corner (the part you bit off) of the cookie in your mouth and put the other end into the hot beverage
4. Use the cookie as a straw to suck up the hot beverage
5. As soon as you feel the liquid hit your lips flip your head back and let the cookie fall into your mouth
6. Enjoy the amazing taste of melted cookie and chocolate mixture!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Great Advice From Good Ol' Abe

True story Abe! I don't know what I am trying to be yet... editor?, but right now I'm trying to be good at trying!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...

Today mother nature finally gave us a taste of winter! It was our first snow of the season and I basically died of happiness. Not only did it snow all day, but as a result, we now have somewhere between 6.5 and 7 inches accumulation on our deck. I hope it does this again in 20 days in Vermont!

Snow on the deck in the morning

Soooo pretty!

Snow on the trees around my house

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

For When You Need To Smile

Through a little bit of blog stalking today I discovered this amazing website, Gives Me Hope. Apparently the guys who started it did it in response to the FML website which, while funny, can also be kinda depressing sometimes.

GMH is filled with happy and uplifting stories that often (thanks to my newly discovered lack of emotional stability) make my eyes feel a little moister then usual and give my arm hairs a standupish sort of feeling. Although lots of things seem to do that lately, songs on the radio, TV commercials, books, you name it... I think I'm becoming my mom.

Here's a few of my favorites...

Today, my grandmother died. I took a walk to try and calm down but ended up sitting on a park bench crying. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and a man handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. He said, "I walked past here earlier and you were crying, so I got you these flowers", and walked away. Kind strangers like him GMH.
I work in a little local shop and we don't make a lot of money. Recently I had a lady come in and hand me $15. She then told me that she placed an order about a week ago and when she was rung up, they undercharged her and being a small business she wanted us to have the money. Her honesty GMH!
My aunt had terminal brain cancer and the doctors told my uncle that he should buy a hospital bed to put in their home. His reply?

"I've never seen a hospital bed made for two."

He was completely serious and that GMH.
One night, my dad told my family we should all pray for my cousin who is serving in Afghanistan. We later found out that around the same time, he ran over a bomb in his vehicle with 4 other soldiers. All five of them survived with only scratches. Prayer GMH.
