Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Day I Almost Did A Donut

                                        ... in my driveway!

Exactly a month ago we had a snowstorm here in the valley. It was the last appreciable amount of snow, we've had. I wish Chicago would give us some of it's snow.

Anyhow, thanks to the about 7ish inches of snow fall, my mom had to get out the tractor again to plow out our driveway so that we could all go to work, and that required me to move my car so that the tractor could get out of the garage. (The tractor gets a garage... my car does not. See how our priorities stand in this family? Geez.)

But, since the tractor was dead, I had to turn my car around and move it back to its spot in front of the garage so that we could jump the tractor.

In seven inches of snow.

My car's no Buick, but it did very well in the snow... except when it didn't.

Like the time I almost did a donut into a large tree. Great times.

Check it out.
 My car attempting to side swipe a tree
 My fun skid marks... I was trying to back up, not sideways.
 Getting closer!
Success! Barely.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Don't You Want Me?

I honestly don't know how they do it, but the music guys on Glee are genius. Seriously. They have the ability to take a song I don't like and make me love it.

A prime example would be Katy Perry's Teenage Dream. Hated it. Loved the Glee version.

Tuesday night they did it again. Don't You Want Me by The Human League is a song that I'm not a huge fan of, due mostly to the fact that it plays constantly on the family friendly "maximum variety" radio station we listen to at Grandma's. But that's a whole other bag of beans.

When Blaine and Rachel sang it however, it was pretty much amazing.

Check it out.

Rachel's dress is also pretty spectacular. The other highlight of the episode would definitely have to be when the principal called Ke$ha "Key Dollar Sign Ha." Those three things made my life (or at least evening).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Epic Failure.

Because we live in pretty much the middle of nowhere, we have satellite TV at my house. DirecTV to be exact. Lately my mom and I have been noticing all these commercials for this new thing called DirecTV cinema which boasts to have more than 6,000 shows and movies available at the click of a remote, at no extra cost to you.

We were intrigued.

So we investigated. Apparently all you need to do to get this service is connect your internet modem to your satellite receiver with an Ethernet cable and voila! You have free on-demand television!

Unfortunately, our modem is very far away from our TV, so mom and I trekked over to Staples yesterday to get the 25 foot cable we would need to span the gap. Twenty-one dollars later, we headed home to reap our rewards.

After a semi-considerable amount of effort to get the cord to the downstairs satellite box from the upstairs internet modem and some finagling involving a mirror to see where all the cords plug into the back of the box, we discover something spine-tinglingly frustrating. Our receiver is Ethernet port-less.

Epic fail.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And The World Keeps On Spinning

Every now and then I have a spasm of stress. It sucks, makes me very iritable, and, during said spasm, I tend to get weepy.

I had one yesterday morning. I'm pretty sure that if a psychic had seen me, she (or he) would have said my aura was inky black, only penetrated by flashes of the deadliest lightning.

Sounds fun, huh?

My day did get a little better when I got a surprise delivery at work... an old issue of Cooking with Paula Deen that I had spent the past two months trying to track down. I was pretty jazzed about that.

Then, our intern said something that really hit a cord with me.

She said, "And the world keeps on spinning."

She said it more to herself than to me and it was about a completely unrelated subject to my foul mood, but it made me smile, and suddenly I felt better.

She is so wise.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I Love You

I'd say this is a pretty true statement. 

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm saying, "I Love You," to my family and friends. I'm also saying a special I love you to Grandmommy who would have been 97 today and my friend Danny who was killed four years ago today in Iraq.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fabulous Image of the Day

You may remember our family's newest edition "Little Kitty" also (and more formally) known as Skits. I just took this picture of her sleeping. She is so dumb. She's also not so little anymore. In fact she's huge. I think she's part lion.
(that pillow is slightly more than two feet wide)

A couple days ago I found Skits and Frisk cuddling together on my bed.  Skits was washing Frisk's head. It was adorable.

While I'm on the subject of this silly feline, check out these pictures that I forgot to post back around Christmas... Skits decided to make her new favorite sitting spot the middle of our Christmas tree.

Geez. What a silly. And she used to be so darn cute...

Friday, February 11, 2011

I So Hope This Album Rocks

I can't believe that it was only a little over a year ago that I got This is the New Year by Ian Axel as a free Discovery Download on iTunes. It is still quite possibly my favorite song ever.

I've posted it before, but seriously, who couldn't love this song, this video, this guy. So worth a second posting.

As you can probs imagine, after hearing this song, I immediately started searching for more. Alas, until a little (a very little) while ago, this song was the only one I could find.

Now, finally after so many months waiting, Ian Axel is releasing an album on Monday. I may die of excitement. I hope it doesn't suck.

Check out previews of This is the New Year (the album) here, curtsy of iTunes.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Check Out Our New Ferrari!

Our 'Ferrari' amaryllis that is... Isn't it pretty?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Praying For Snow

I saw this picture while looking at a YahooNews photo stream and dreaming of snow. It was too amazing to not share with the world (or at least my family who are probably the only ones who ever read this). Right now, it is 43 degrees and rainy. Today's high was in the 50s. It feels like summer!

Where did our winter go?

Rebecca Valk walks to her office in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., in near whiteout conditions Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011. A monster storm began to bear down on the middle of the nation Tuesday, threatening to leave up to a third of the nation covered in brutal winter weather. 
(AP Photo/Poughkeepsie Journal, Spencer Ainsley)