Saturday, February 6, 2010

Up To My Eyeballs In SNOW!

Well not really my eyeballs, more like my knee-caps, but it sure felt like more than that when I was digging out my poor car! The final total, 14 inches, was a little short of the 18-28ish inches they were calling for, but I'm totally cool with that! I have nothing but pity for all the poor souls in Washington D.C., MD, PA, and southern NJ who got walloped with over twice that amount.

Here are a few pics from the VA version of the "snowmaggedon" as both Obama and our local weather guy called this past weekend's storm.

Me and the Buick
Giant snow bank mom's plow created on the driveway curve...
It's taller than the shovel!

We had to pour water over the satellite dish to melt the snow. I didn't want to get my sweatpants snowy, so it was just easier to go bare legged... the snow was literally up to my knees!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

please wear pants, you are not in the caribbean. shorts are my job. =)

good luck with all that snow!