Saturday, March 20, 2010

Daffodils are the Friendliest Flowers

My spontaneous daffodil celebration in the Queen's Gardens in London
Thanks for capturing it Lisa!

You know that scene in You've Got Mail when Tom Hank's character brings Meg Ryan's character daisies because she has a cold and she says that she thinks daisies are the friendliest flower? Well, I have to disagree.

Daffodils, not daisies, are the friendliest flower. I mean first off, it's way more fun to say daffodil than daisy. Go on, say it (by which I mean say daffodil, not it). Doesn't that just make you giggle? I do. Daisy, on the other hand, does not.

Then, there's the issue of color. Daffodils are pretty and yellow or yellow and white or yellow and orange or yellow and darker yellow. But usually mostly yellow, which is a cheerful, friendly color. In some cultures, it's even the color of good luck. Daisies are only white. Lame.

Daffodils are also so varied in shape and size. There are double flowered ones and single flowered ones and big ones and small ones. And the miniature ones are just so dang cute. Daisies are all one size (none of which are very cute).

And the smell! Daffodils smell amazing. I wish I could bottle it up in a jar so I could have a whiff every now and then, even in the fall or winter when they no longer grace my front lawn and back yard and table tops.

Daffodils (not daisies) are the friendliest flower. End of story.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

awww this is still one of my favorite pictures from europe. it captures you perfectly!