Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm taking the plunge...

Well after months and months of procrastination... I've taken the plunge. I've finally started a blog of my own.

But I never realized how hard it would be to start. Seriously. First, you have to come up with a catchy title. I literally agonized over this one for several weeks. I was constantly running possible titles through my head... in the car, in the shower, in ballet, wherever... but nothing seemed good enough. It was awful. I really wanted to start a blog, but I didn't have a title. Then. Inspiration. I found my title. I think it represents me pretty well. It doesn't quite make sense but at the same time it totally does. Some people see the glass as half full and other people just wear glasses... I do both. Usually.

So now you have a catchy title. Are you finished? No way! Now, you have to come up with a URL name that works with your title without being crazy long. But you can't just come up with any old URL because inevitably someone else has already used it. I wanted glasshalffull, but that was already taken. One of my suggestions was somepeopleseetheglassashalffull but that's soooo long, and looks kinda funny too. So then you have to pick a new URL or add some numbers or in my case leave out a letter... I promise I know that full has two L's.

Then, of course, you have to deal with the layout. Which template do you choose? How do you customize it so that it doesn't look like a cookie-cutter copy of everyone else on blogger? That's the fun part.

I would suggest to anyone who wants to start your own blog that you can't over-think this whole start-up process. It's totally not worth all the frustration and agony that I went through (well not really agony, but you know what I mean).

Of course, once you have the title and the URL and you've made your layout pretty and picked all the colors, you have to write your actual posts. In my case, I'm not really sure what I will write about. This blog doesn't have a theme like architecture, fashion, or cooking. I don't have anything profound to offer to society at large. I don't have any strong opinions on politics that I feel the need to expound upon. I just have me and my ramblings that probably no one will care about. All I can hope is that the three people that end up reading this won't think that what I'm writing is crap, both idea-wise and writing wise. If it is, I'm sorry!


Lisa said...

i am SO pumped for this, you have no idea. i love random lissa ramblings, thoughts about life, book suggestions, and spontaneous adventures. love you! can't wait to read more...
over and out.

Anonymous said...

whohoho! im excited that you have a blog melissa! aka i really dont know much about them at all and the fact that i will probs forget to check it a lot, but the fact that you will tell stories gets me excited. can you put this link on your facebook so i can stalk you both ways now? i cant wait to read more (like rooms said) annndddd everything you write is pretty much a story that i like to read. For example right now im at school and i just finished grading and the bell is about to ring but i was caught up in your blog and everything just went away and didnt matter anymore, it was whimsicle as jason would say...and i spelled that wrong i think. you have the awesome power to do that in your writing therefore i am looking forward to reading more! yesss. EHHH the bell just rang thanks for making my day more awesome.