Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Journey into the Wilds of my Dad's Office

I was feeling a little crummy after my class this morning so I decided to journey over to my dad's office to see if he had any tea that I could make. Fortunately he did, unfortunately he only had Celestial Seasoning's Peach Apricot Honeybush and Wild Cherry Blackberry, both very weird flavors. He also didn't have any honey or sugar, both essential ingredients for the perfect cup of tea. I decided that Peach Apricot Honeybush was better than nothing and maybe the honeybush part would make up for the lack of any actual honey in his office. It didn't.

My dad's office is a mess and that's putting it lightly. But it's also full of character (and pictures of me and the bro when we were little and super cute). He says that the chaos in his office represents his life... take from that what you will. But the coolest part of his office is the mini-research lab in the back. Now, no research has taken place back there since before I was born and my dad occupied this office, unless you count documenting how much stuff one man can manage to squish into a space the size of a large elevator. But it still has all the fixings of a research lab, complete with a safety shower and test tube drying racks attached to the wall over the industrial sink. It was to the test tube rack that I forced my way through the wreckage to to get my coffee mug. Among the millions of mugs hanging on the rack (well it was like 15) I found this little gem. It has a picture of a woman in a bathrobe and slippers sitting at a computer desk with the caption...

"If the computer gets a virus, can I take a sick day?"


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