Friday, May 21, 2010

Making Moonshine

Several members of my family have been working on a little project for about a week now. You see, at my house, we really like beer. Not alcoholic-like, just obsessively collecting beer bottles (dad), combined with a desire to try every variety of beer known to man (dad and mitch), and an at home brew-kit that just about everyone gets involved with.

But now, we have a new project brewing in our house (ha! get it? Brewing? Sorry, I'm done now). That project is... MOONSHINE!

We've been fermenting a huge vat of mush in our beer fermenter for the past week and last night we finally set up the still and started distilling. I felt like I was back in Organic Chemistry lab...

It took absolutely forever for the first drop to finally fall, but when it did I documented it.

Witness here the beautifully, steady stream of pure alcohol... we're estimating it was about 200 proof.

We each filled a teaspoon to see how it tasted. It was such pure alcohol that it basically completely evaporated in our mouths! It was super strong and didn't really taste like anything, but I swear I could still feel it on my tongue about five minutes later.

Then we decided to light it on fire to see if it burned blue...
Pretty sweet huh?

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