Thursday, February 2, 2012

Houston, We Have A... Weather Station!

Where did winter go? Apparently it didn't go anywhere, since good ol' Punxsutawney Phil (and the newly crowned Potomac Phil... weird) predicted six more weeks of winter. But it was in the high 60's yesterday and felt downright balmy.

Know where else it's been feeling downright balmy? My living room. Thank you radiator.
This is a super old picture.
I've since shortened the middle curtain because I was afraid that
the crazy heat that the radiator was emitting would hurt it.
I'm not exactly sure what it is that causes my radiator (and sole source of heat in the living/dining/kitchen areas) to turn on, but when it does, get ready to die of heat, because it gets super hot and my living room becomes a sauna.

It's horrible.

It was almost the subject of a fantastic post I was going to write called, "Welcome to my Sauna," but I felt weird writing about how hot it was when I couldn't actually tell you, so, I finally invested in a thermometer. Now I'll know the outside temperature (convienent for dressing appropriately in the morning... yes Grammy and Leslie, you can say I told you so) and the inside temperature, so I can justify running my air conditioner at full blast in January.
I never really wanted a thermometer because I couldn't quite figure out how I would do the outside temp part, since that usually requires you to put a little probe thinger somewhere. But this one is neat because the probe is attached to a super skinny cord that I was able to shove out my window. Very convenient!
I'm pretty excited about this.

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