Friday, February 24, 2012

That Was Scary.

About 20 minutes ago, I heard some fire engine sirens. No big deal, right?


They (three to be exact) got louder and louder until they finally came to a stop... IN MY PARKING LOT.

My life flashed past my eyes.

Fortunately, those super scary trucks stopped on the other side, in front of a building that wasn't mine, so I didn't go into full on panic mode, like I did here, when my neighbor's alarm went off or here, when I saw a neighbor's house burning a few years ago.

But they did make me thank my lucky stars that I had renters insurance, just in case those trucks had been responding to a building (or apartment) closer to mine.

I'm not sure what actually happened over there, though. There wasn't any smoke and the firefighters that flooded the building didn't come baring hoses. I did see a person taken out on a stretcher, but I don't know what condition he (or she) was in, and they didn't hurry away.

What an exciting afternoon.

Let's never repeat that.

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