Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vampires and Werewolves and Pathetic People.. OH MY!

Have you ever read a book gets stuck in your head? It doesn't even have to be a good book exactly, in fact, it could be an awful, horrible book but it's a book all the same and it just sticks there.

This unfortunate situation is happening to me with an unexpectedly and, quite frankly, embarrassingly unwelcome force with a book, well series actually, that I recently started perusing. Maybe you've heard of it...

It's a classic story. Girl falls in love with vampire, girl almost gets killed/turned into a vampire, vampire gets sad and goes away, girl gets super depressed, girl meets werewolf, girl gets a little undepressed thanks to said werewolf, werewolf hates vampire, bad things happen.

Sound familiar?

Yep. That's right. I'm reading Twilight. Start judging. I am.

Honestly, I hate myself a little bit for kinda liking it. The story is silly, the writing is not all that amazing, and the characters are way over the top. But I can't help myself. I'm sucked in (get it... sucked.. like a vampire sucks blood... ok lame. sorry I won't do it again.)

I never wanted to read these books. They seemed silly (which they are) and I can be a bit of a book snob at times, so I found it a little hard to take seriously a book that has its name plastered all over the walls of Walmart and Target and has its own little section in Barnes and Noble and comes complete with an entourage of screaming girls and obsessed middle-aged ladies who wear "I heart Edward" and "I'm with Jacob" T-shirts. It's like Harry Potter (which I did enjoy) on steroids. I mean really, with all this baggage who could possibly take themselves seriously when they read these books.

But, curiosity is a bitch sometimes and I'm ashamed to say that it overwhelmed me, mostly because my mother decided that it would be a good idea to watch the first movie. (It wasn't bad, but it wasn't all that great either by the way.) So I got the book and for about the first half I was basically aghast by the writing and the lack of creativity. Then, to my chagrin, I started getting sucked in.

I still don't know why. The main character Bella is depressingly obsessed with Edward (the vampire) and he is equally possessive and creepy. I was really quite disturbed by the way that he often hopped in her window at night just to steal a peak at her sleeping and listen to what she had to say in her midnight rambles... mostly she just talked about how obsessed she was with him. And then in the next book, after Edward deserts her, Bella befriends Jacob who is pretty much obsessed with her and the cycle continues with Bella in the middle making me feel a little nauseous with her hole in her middle from Edward's absence and her selfish desire to gain Jake's friendship, even when she knows he wants more.

But for some reason, I became attached. And now, I just want to know what happens. I've reached the middle of the second book... I started reading it yesterday on the day of the New Moon (I thought that was kinda poetic, considering the name of the book) and I'm already (sort of eagerly) anticipating the next two. I'd recommend that you read them too but then I'd feel bad about subjecting you to the personal torment I feel whenever I have to check out the next book in the series from the libs and I am paranoid that the checkout man is judging me.

It's pathetic and I'm sorry. Please feel free to mock me.

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