Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The universe is right again, the stars have aligned, and my bracelet has been found.

That's right. Found.

It's a miracle.

The bracelet in question belonged to my grandmother and I inherited it (by which I mean I snagged it from her jewelry box before anyone else could) a little over two years ago. I've pretty much worn it every day since, that is until the dark days hit.

If you recall about three weeks ago I went through a kinda rough patch. So lame I know... I'd rather just forget it happened. Just before that time in my life, I lost my bracelet. At first I wasn't too concerned because I just figured I'd left it somewhere awkward, like in my car or my purse or my ballet bag... I have been known to do that sometimes. But then, when several days went by and I still couldn't find it I got worried.

Well worried is putting it lightly. I literally felt sick to my stomach. I'm convinced that had I had my bracelet I would have been happier, I wouldn't have had car trouble, and my life would have been a better place. I pretty much tore the house apart looking for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

So, I stopped looking. Sometimes looking is what prevents you from finding something. I firmly believe that.

And look what happened... threeish weeks later, I FOUND IT!


Mitchell Jones said...

=] good

Mom said...

I'm glad you seem more excited on paper than you did when you actually found it! I am soooooo happy you have been reunited with "Grandmommy" - in a manner of speaking! :O)