Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Have A New Face!

Yesterday I decided to venture into the world of new eye wear. I've been wearing glasses since I was 10 years old and until college, I got a new pair of glasses every other August like clockwork. I didn't get a new pair because my old ones were broken or anything, I got a new pair because by after two years, I was sick of my frames. They were always too big or too round or not cool enough. Then, my the summer after freshman year in college, I decided to switch to plastic (I'd been wearing wire before). And I found these lovely frames.

I loved them. They were pretty, they made me look intelligent, and they had super cute lions on the arms and on the cleaning cloth. I wanted to keep them forever. And I did... almost. But after four years of abuse from the sun and the stress of daily activities, my amazing frames started to wear down. Even the lenses had taken abuse from my body... after four years of blinking, my lenses were covered with tiny eyelash gouged scratches. Crazy!

So I decided that it was time for a change. So my parents and I headed over to Lenscrafters and started to go through the store's gazillion frames. Of course, the first pair I found was a new pair of my old frames. And I almost got them again.

But then I found these beauties and I fell in love.

They are super pretty, but they also look kinda like my old ones, so I'm pretty sure that no one notices that they are different... bummer.

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