Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's Glittering!

There are very few things I enjoy about glitter.

I'm occasionally ok with it on cards, rarely when it's on or in clothing, and on shoes, almost never (unless you are under 6 years old, then as far as I'm concerned, you can go to town and wear all the glitter you want!).

Yes, it's pretty and it sparkles and it can make things look kind of magical, but it also has a tendency to get all over you and everything else in a 20 foot radius. "Fairy dust" is the worst. It's this super fine glitter that they use at my ballet studio as a reward for all the little kids when they do something right. Occasionally the big girls get dusted, too. The one time I was fairy dusted, my teacher pretty much coated my entire body and it took two showers and some intense scrubbing to get it all off. My laundry glittered for a week. Good.

But there is one kind of glitter that I love. The snowy kind.

I love all kinds of snow, but there's nothing better than the kind that glitters as it falls and sparkles when it's on the ground. It's glittering outside right now. That makes me happy :)

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