Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Friday the 13th...

How was your luck today?

I celebrated this day of unlucky by sleeping through my alarm. Then, when I got into my car to go to school, it wouldn't start. Good times. Needless to say I was very late to class.

I don't really know why people think that Friday the 13th is such a bad luck sorta day. It happens all the time and its not like more people die or the world ends. Did you know that we will experience around 150 Friday the 13th before we die? That's a whole lot of bad luck. I for one, refuse to believe that the combination of a numerical date and day of the week are enough to cause bad luck across the globe. Although that new movie 2012, you know the one that talks about how the world is going to end, was released today (Friday 13), so maybe that's our bad luck for the year...

On the positive side, I finally made some progress on the articles I have to finish by Monday and it sort of stopped raining by the end of the day. Oh and all that was wrong with my car was a loose cable.

Maybe Friday the 13th isn't so bad after all.... or maybe I just have a really lucky horse shoe...

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