Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekly Wisdom

-Winston Churchill

This one's for you Lisa! Not because you're going through hell or anything (although some people may think that given your current academic endeavors...) but because I know that you knew that I was going to use this one today!

This is a great quote to live by... I was constantly referring to this one in the form of my magnet while I was struggling through Advanced Cell and Physics... if those two classes weren't hell in an earthly form I don't know what is.

So thanks Winston! You're a savior to many just for uttering those seven words, in fact baring leading Great Britain through WWII, it may have just been the most important thing you ever did.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

haha i totally did!! that was my guess =) i miss that magnet on our fridge.... i have to go to class now buttttt i will probably be thinking about the quote for next week. i'm not sure if i can guess two weeks in a row...

ps thanks for the shout out! loved it.